Monday, April 29, 2024
In a stark display of disregard for women's health and rights, Republican Assemblymember Greg Wallis showed his true partisan colors joining fellow Republicans in failing to vote for urgent reproductive freedom legislation. In a move of cowardice, Wallis dodged voting on the bill designed to safeguard and extend essential abortion services to Arizona residents seeking care in California.
"This is not just a failure; it's a severe betrayal of women's trust and an abdication of the basic responsibilities of a public servant,"
said Christy Holstege, Wallis’s Democratic opponent.
"Assemblymember Wallis's failure to support SB 233 is particularly egregious, considering our district's geographical significance as a first stop for patients traveling from Arizona to California for reproductive care.”
Senate Bill 233, a legislative effort led by Governor Gavin Newsom and the California Legislative Women’s Caucus, aimed to permit licensed Arizona doctors in good standing to provide abortion and related care to their patients in California through November 30, 2024. This bill was a direct response to looming restrictions in Arizona that threaten to strip away access to abortion care, leaving tens of thousands without the necessary healthcare they rely on.
The legislation was a proactive measure to ensure continuity of care for Arizonans during a critical time when pre-statehood laws threaten to reinstate severe restrictions on abortion services. With the urgency clause, SB 233 would have taken immediate effect upon the Governor's signature, facilitating Arizona doctors under the oversight of California’s Medical Board and Osteopathic Medical Board to continue caring for their patients.
“Assemblymember Wallis should be held accountable for his actions on the legislative floor,” said Amelia Matier, Holstege campaign spokesperson. “It shows a disturbing alignment with extreme elements that prioritize politics over people's lives. His actions contribute directly to a public health crisis, impacting not just individuals but entire communities that straddle our shared border with Arizona"
In stark contrast, Democratic candidate for AD47 Christy Holstege’s life is steeped in a profound commitment to reproductive justice, beginning with an internship at Planned Parenthood at just 15 years old. Her frustration with the lack of access to information about women’s health in her schools propelled her into advocacy, leading her to law school with a focus on reproductive rights. She led significant campaigns to protect reproductive freedom, including defeating parental notification proposals in California. As a champion for women’s rights, Christy’s work in Coachella Valley, particularly through her legal aid clinic supporting domestic violence survivors, underscores her dedication to safeguarding reproductive autonomy and providing essential support to women and children in critical situations.
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